Proceedings in
all 50 states


Washington plaintiffs with their attorney Andrea Rodgers.


Our Children’s Trust has supported youth plaintiffs in Washington since 2011, most recently in the youth-led constitutional climate case, Aji P. v. State of Washington.

Thirteen youth plaintiffs from across the state of Washington filed Aji P. v. State of Washington was filed in King County Superior Court on February 16, 2018. Their complaint asserts that the State, Governor Jay Inslee, and several state agencies,by causing and contributing to climate change through the State’s Fossil Fuel Energy and Transportation policies, have violated the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, property, and equal protection of the law, and has caused impairment of essential public trust resources. 

The youth plaintiffs are represented by Andrea Rodgers and Andrew Welle of Our Children’s Trust.

major moments timeline

The following is a timeline of major moments, filings, and rulings in Aji. P. v. State of Washington, from 2018 to today: